Ballyhoo preview pages…Cover!

Hey there, everyone, Tea here. We got Ballyhoo issue 1 done! Artwork for the 22 interior pages has been completed by David and now he’s working on a new cover. You can see his pencils for it below. We took the art and assembled a good looking, industrial strength submission package. Thanks much to our friends Tim Demeter and Jan Christensen who looked it over and gave us feedback. Our next step is to send it out to prospective publishers (wish us luck!) and I’ve finished a nearly complete script for issue 2.

David will be tabling with a special preview edition of the comic in a week at Wizard World Wisconsin in Madison Feb. 6-8. (I’ll also be there hosting a panel of these Real Life Superhero people on Friday the 6th, 6pm). Stop by and say hi.

In addition to the cover pencils, we will be posting you a short Ballyhoo preview right here over the next couple days. Tomorrow pages 1-2 will be posted and Saturday, we’ll post up page 3. Hot damn!
cover cover

Hello & Welcome

1950s CLOWNS Acrobats Circus Performers Men Women

Hey, everyone, this is Tea Krulos. I’m extremely happy to announce a collaborative project between myself and comic book illustrator extraordinaire David Beyer, Jr.

Me and David have collaborated on several different projects in the past. Most recently he did some awesome spot illustrations and comic story pages in my upcoming book Heroes in the Night: Inside the Real Life Superhero Movement (Out October 2013 from Chicago Review Press. The blog for that book is HERE.)

What we’re working on now is what will be either a 6-8 issue mini-series and/or a graphic novel titled Ballyhoo. I wrote the script and David is drawing up the art. The story follows a number of characters who are part of a circus in 1955.

I first thought of the story line when I was reading a lot about circus life in the late 1990s. I started working on a zine- style publication that was a fiction with several illustrations. It was titled Don’t Quit Your Day Job With the Freak Show. I never completed it. A couple years ago, I remembered the project and began reworking it into a comic book script. David began drawing thumbnails and sketches last year.

This blog exists not just to promote the comic, but to give you an inside look at our creative process. We’ll be sharing some of the many reference photos we dug up to help inform us of circus life and 50s style. You’ll see character sketches and the evolution of some finished art from David and I’ll occasionally post some stories about the writing process.

Eventually, we’ll have a few pages of the comic itself and info on how to order a copy. This has been a fun project and we’re looking forward to sharing it with you, so…STEP RIGHT UP!

Tea Krulos’s blogs:

David Beyer Jr.’s blog: www.davidbeyerjr.blogspot.comĀ