Double Feature

Tea here, reporting in. Today, I had some downtime, so I started scripting a few Ballyhoo scenes a little farther down the road in the script. There are six parts to this story, and I’m working on quite a few scenes in part 3 and 4 now.

In one scene, a double page spread, the lead character Maryjo is having a romantic moment at the late night double feature at the drive-in movie theater. The passing of time is marked in the scene with different progressive shots from the double feature being ignored by them in the background. I decided it was time to figure out what those two films would be.

After looking through sci-fi and horror titles of 1955, I picked the two that appealed to me most: Tarantula!, a classic of the radioactive giant monster movies so popular at the time, and Revenge of the Creature. I love the Creature From the Black Lagoon and this sequel fits well as it is about capturing the Creature and putting it on display for entertainment. It mirrors how Maryjo is feeling about being a member of the sideshow. I found both movies in full on YouTube and will be watching them back to back tonight, and taking notes on good scenes to add to the comic. Here are the glorious movie posters:


David, of course, will have no probs with the art, it’s a subject he’s done before. Check out this beautiful cover art he did for the award winning Image Comics anthology Tales of the Starlight Drive In. Lookin’ good!

1 thought on “Double Feature

  1. Mike Hoke grabbed a preview copy of this comic for me yesterday at the MilwaukeeParaCon while I was signing. I love the story. It flows so great, and I really got into the characters. Also enjoyed the art. I’ll be picking this up when its available.

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